- Zero Install - Decentralised cross-platform software installation system
- AnyPackage - PowerShell unified package management interface
- Archi - ArchiMate Modelling Toolkit
- auto-mcs - Cross platform Minecraft server manager
- Auto Neutron - Auto_Neutron - An automatic neutron route plotter for Elite Dangerous
- Bitcoin Safe - A bitcoin savings wallet for the entire family
- Bloxstrap - Bloxstrap - An alternative bootstrapper for Roblox with a bunch of extra features
- Brewtarget - Brewtarget – Beer Brewing Software for Homebrewers
- Chewing IM - An intelligent phonetic input method
- ClassIsland - A schedule information displaying tool for multimedia screens in classroom
- ClassWidgets - ClassWidgets - a desktop component application for displaying course information
- Collapse Launcher - An Advanced Launcher for HoYoverse Games
- Converseen - Batch Image Processor Tool
- DBreeze - Multi-paradigm database management system for .NET and Mono
- DCOR Aid - Graphical user interface for accessing the Deformability Cytometry Open Repository
- DC-tools-for-Windows - Tools for automating data analysis in deformability cytometry
- Dlss Updater - Dlss Updater is a tool to conveniently configure used dlss-dlls for your games.
- dnGrep - Powerful search for Windows
- IETF Draftforge - Write, Review, Refine and Submit Internet-Drafts
- Drawpile - Drawpile – a collaborative drawing program
- Driver Store Explorer - Driver Store Explorer [RAPR]
- DSPaul COMPASS - All yourTabletop RPG resources in one place.
- DVR Scan - Cross-platform command-line (CLI) application that automatically detects motion events in video files
- EarQuiz Frequencies - Software for technical ear training on equalization
- ET Legacy - Game, FPS, Multiplayer
- Fabulously Optimized - Installer
- Feather Wallet - A free Monero desktop wallet
- Fibratus - Adversary tradecraft detection, protection, and hunting
- Filius - A network simulator for educational purpose
- flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
- Floorp Browser - The flexible browser based on Firefox
- Git Extensions - A graphical user interface for Git
- heob - Detects buffer overflows and memory leaks
- Heroic Games Launcher - GOG and Epic Games Launcher
- chinese-lol对局先知 english-lol game prophet -
- hyphanet - decentralized censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication
- Kazumi - by Predidit
- KeeperFX - Opensource remake and Fan eXpansion of Dungeon Keeper
- Kindle Comic Converter - Optimize comics for eink readers like Kindle and Kobo!
- KSP-CKAN - The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network, a Mod Manager for Kerbal Space Program
- LGTVCompanion - Power On and Off WebOS LG TVs together with your PC
- libjpeg-turbo - SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec that provides both the libjpeg and TurboJPEG APIs
- Lichess Broadcaster - Publish chess tournament moves to an online broadcast
- Lichess Fishnet - Distributed Stockfish analysis for
- Linuxfabrik Monitoring Plugins - Python-Based Monitoring Plugins for Seamless Network Management
- LiteDB - Embedded NoSQL database for .NET
- mlocati-gettext-windows - Windows binaries for GNU iconv and gettext tools
- MSBuildLog - Binary and Structured Log Viewer
- Mumble - Low-latency and high-quality voice-chat software
- NETworkManager - A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!
- Nortantis - Nortantis Fantasy Map Creator
- novelWriter - A markdown-like editor for novels
- NUKE - The AKEless Build System for C#/.NET
- NVAccess NVDA - The free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
- odata2poco - Convert Odata Metadata to POCO (DTO) classes
- OpenNumismat - coin collecting software
- OpenRCT2 - OpenRCT2
- OpenSC - Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver
- OpenXR MotionCompensation - Enables the use of a VR headset in combination with a motion simulator
- ParsecVDisplay - ParsecVDisplay - Perfect virtual display for game streaming
- PDF Stitcher - The open source PDF stitching software for sewists, by sewists.
- Pengu Loader - Build your unmatched LoL Client
- PicView - Fast, free and customizable image viewer
- Pinta - Pinta- Painting Made Simple
- Playnite - A video game library manager and launcher
- Poe Lurker - Trade manager for Path of Exile
- PoE Overlay Community Fork - A tool for Path of Exile
- PotatoVN - A software to help you manage your visual novels in your computer
- PWAsForFirefox - A tool to install, manage and use Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in Mozilla Firefox
- PyJibe - AFM data analysis with an emphasis on biological specimens
- PySceneDetect - Scene Cut/Transition Detection
- Race Element - Provides Solutions for Sim Racing
- RadToolz - A Microsoft Excel add-in for radiation safety professionals
- Rainmeter - Desktop customization tool for Windows
- REPENTOGON - Isaac Script Extender
- RSNA DICOM Anonymizer - The RSNA DICOM Anonymizer is a cross platform, stand-alone de-identification utility.
- Satisfactory Modding - A mod manager for easy installation of mods and modloader for Satisfactory
- SDRangel - TX & RX Software Defined Radio
- simple-acme - A swiss army knife for ACME certificate management.
- SkyClient - An open installer for Hypixel
- Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring Tools
- SnapHutao - A Multifunctional Open-source Genshin Toolkit
- SnoopWPF - Allows you to explore UIs written with WPF
- SoulFire - Advanced Minecraft Server-Stresser Tool
- SQLiteBrowser - DB Browser for SQLite
- Starship Prompt - Starship - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- Stellarium - A planetarium for your computer
- Tiled - A flexible map editor
- texstudio - texstudio - a fully featured LaTeX editor
- Thunder Engine - Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine with modular architecture
- Tonbrett - open source discord soundboard
- tosu - a powerful memory reader for rhythm game
- Transmission - A fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client
- TurboVNC - Fast TightVNC-compatible Unix remote desktop software for 3D and video
- ValveResourceFormat - View, extract, and decompile Source 2 game assets with ease.
- Vim - The ubiquitous text editor
- Virtual Display Driver - Add virtual monitors to your windows 10/11 device
- VSCodium - Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of Visual Studio Code
- Wangkanai Detection - ASP.NET Core Detection with Responsive View
- - A DAB/DAB+ Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- WelsonJS - WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine
- WSL USB GUI - WSL USB Device Manager
- X Minecraft Launcher - A Minecraft Launcher integrating the modrinth/curseforge and your mods together!